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2.3 Other operating revenue and (expenses)

Other operating revenue and (expenses)

2018 2017
Profit on disposal
Profit on sales of non-financial non-current assets 5.8 6.9
Reversed impairment losses
Trade receivables 14.8 5.2
Penalties and compensations 18.2 17.0
Reversal of other provisions 3.3 6.2
Interest on trade and other receivables 5.6 4.2
Net result on FX differences on trade receivables and payables 2.1 -
Other 4.7 4.4
Total other operating revenue 54.5 43.9
Impairment losses recognized
Trade receivables (11.8) (11.4)
Penalties and compensations (8.4) (12.5)
Costs of liquidation of non-current and current assets (4.5) (3.6)
Other provisions (8.2) (20.5)
Net result on FX differences on trade receivables and payables - (7.4)
Other (7.5) (6.1)
Total other operating expenses (40.4) (61.5)
Other operating revenue and (expenses) 14.1 (17.6)

The data for the year ended 31 December 2017 have been restated in connection with the retrospective application of IFRS 15, as described in Note 1.3 and 1.5 to these Consolidated Financial Statements.

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