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Consumption of traction electricity and traction fuel

2018 2017
Consumption of traction fuel (210.6) (170.1)
Consumption of traction electricity (404.5) (374.7)
Total (615.1) (544.8)

Other services

2018 2017
Repair services (64.9) (53.3)
Rent and fees for the use of real properties and rolling stock (216.6) (168.9)
Telecommunications services (6.4) (7.5)
Legal, consulting and similar services (16.1) (22.7)
IT services (44.2) (45.2)
Maintenance and operation services for facilities and fixed assets (32.1) (30.0)
Transhipment services (20.0) (21.7)
Reclamation services (75.0) (51.2)
Other services (54.3) (50.1)
Total (529.6) (450.6)

Employee benefits

2018 2017
Payroll (1,246.2) (1,137.5)
Social security expenses (266.0) (244.6)
Expenses for contributions to the Company Social Benefits Fund (22.3) (24.4)
Other employee benefits during employment (40.9) (41.0)
Post-employment benefits (6.6) (6.0)
Movement in provisions for employee benefits (69.4) (56.8)
Total (1,651.4) (1,510.3)

Other expenses

2018 2017
Consumption of non-traction fuel (22.5) (21.6)
Consumption of electricity, gas and water (36.7) (38.0)
Consumption of materials (106.2) (100.4)
Taxes and charges (27.6) (39.0)
Cost of goods and raw materials sold (45.1) (39.1)
Business trips (33.5) (32.1)
Other (27.3) (27.1)
Total (298.9) (297.3)

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses

2018 2017
Depreciation of rolling stock (461.7) (479.5)
Depreciation of other property, plant and equipment (80.3) (77.2)
Amortization of intangible assets (16.8) (17.5)
Recognized / (reversed) impairment losses:
Rolling stock (69.0) 27.5
Other property, plant and equipment (1.6) (0.2)
Total (629.4) (546.9)

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