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Accounting policy applied

Payables are the Group’s present obligation resulting from future events, whose fulfilment will, according to expectations, cause the outflow from the entity of the means entailing economic benefits.

Other liabilities include predominantly public law settlements and payroll liabilities which are carried at the amount due.

Structure of other liabilities

31/12/2018 31/12/2017
Financial liabilities
FX forwards 0.2 -
Other - 0.3
Other liabilities
Liabilities arising out of collateral (deposits, bid bonds, guarantees) 36.9 42.1
Public law settlements 86.9 78.3
Settlements with employees 95.2 87.3
Received grants 2.6 6.0
Other settlements 7.0 3.1
VAT settlements 6.5 8.3
Short-term tax liabilities 0.3 1.6
Total 235.6 227.0
Long-term liabilities 1.8 0.3
Short-term liabilities 233.8 226.7
Total 235.6 227.0

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